11 Healthcare Software Used In Hospitals And Clinics

Furqan Aziz
5 min readNov 9, 2023

Healthcare software is the process of using software applications to enhance the practice of medicine. Various types of healthcare software used in hospitals and clinics are available in the market. These are primarily used for managing patient records, improving patient care, managing hospitals and clinics, and improving business processes.

The healthcare industry is undergoing a technological transformation to improve patient care. These changes will affect how healthcare companies operate and what they need to do to remain competitive.

According to an industry forecast by Research and Markets, the healthcare software market will reach $511 billion by 2027. As the market for apps continues to grow, so does their importance in healthcare companies. This is especially true of COVID-19 pandemic activities.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of healthcare software used in hospitals, as well as other useful information for hospitals, clinics, and other businesses related to healthcare.

What is Healthcare Software?

Healthcare software refers to IT programs, such as those that help automate manual workflows or assist and guide medical professionals in healthcare settings.

In the past, it was a manual process. Now, patients can manage their health care on their own time and in the comfort of their own homes.

The healthcare software development market is booming. This sector is transforming workflow and scaling businesses that use healthcare software. For instance, healthcare software facilitates in management of each patient, payment collection, record management, and even staff performance analysis.

Most Common Types of Healthcare Software Used in Hospitals

It’s a bit of a cliché to say that healthcare is a really big deal, but it’s true! It affects everyone in the world, and it’s often hard to understand why!

But behind all the numbers, there are people — and they’re pretty important too. So we’ve put together this list of the most common types of healthcare software applications:

  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

An EHR is a type of electronic medical record that allows doctors and other healthcare professionals to store patient information in one place and share it with other members of the care team.

EHRs can also be used to bill patients and track their medical history. These systems allow doctors and nurses to store patient information in a digital format, which can then be accessed by the patient’s medical team.

  • Electronic Prescription Systems (EPSs)

This type of software allows pharmacists to prescribe medications directly from their computers, rather than manually writing them out on paper or typing them into a prescription pad. This can reduce errors and improve workflow efficiency for both pharmacists and patients.

  • Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)

An EMR is the main source of information about your medical history and any ongoing treatment or procedures you may be receiving. It includes everything from lab results to prescriptions — and even insurance records! You can use an EMR for both personal uses as well as for work-related purposes through its integration with other systems such as workflow management software.

  • Patient Portal

The patient portal is a digital gateway that connects patients to their medical records, helps them manage appointments and treatments, and allows them to get information about their health care. It helps improve communication between healthcare providers and patients by providing a centralized place where they can share information.

  • Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

These systems make it easier for physicians to determine the best course of treatment based on patient data.

For example, a physician may want to suggest that a patient with diabetes sees a specialist because they have had trouble maintaining stable blood sugar levels over time; this recommendation would be made possible by a clinical decision support system (CDSS) which uses its database of information on patients with diabetes to determine if they need more specialized care than what they currently receive at their primary care office (PCO).

  • Telemedicine Software

Telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry. It allows doctors to communicate with patients from across the country, or even around the world, using video conferencing software.

In the United States alone, experts predict that Telemedicine’s market value will reach $64.1 billion by 2025. Telemedicine is used for a number of reasons, including:

  • Providing medications for patients.
  • Managing chronic conditions via remote monitoring.
  • Managing complex cases remotely.
  • Improving workflow by reducing paperwork time.

This method can be especially helpful to patients who live in rural areas or who have trouble getting to a doctor’s office.

Telemedicine allows patients to communicate with their doctor remotely, which means they don’t have to spend time traveling or waiting for appointments.

  • Health Tracking Applications

The mHealth app market is growing fast. This reflects a shift in the way people are using their smartphones. From fitness apps to meditation and stress reduction apps, there is a large portion of the mHealth app market that focuses on health tracking.

The reason for this is simple: people are more aware than ever before of the effects that unhealthy habits can have on their bodies, and they want to make sure they’re taking care of themselves. So how do you track your health? With your smartphone!

Using apps like HealthKart, Fitbit, and Apple Health you can monitor your daily activity levels and take note of potential issues before they become emergencies.

  • Medical Diagnosis Software

Medical Diagnosis Software automates the real-time exchange of patient information among different medical specialists to allow secure and reliable medical diagnosis within hospitals. In particular, medical specialists can properly diagnose the disease by putting relevant information and findings on a patient in medical diagnosis software.

This software fosters collaboration between different medical fields. Examples of medical diagnosis software include web-based expert systems for nutrition diagnosis and Holonic Diagnosis Systems for e-health applications.

  • Medical Database Software

Medical database software is very similar to the EHR system as it stores patients’ diagnoses information except that medical database software categorizes by the diseases instead of patients. It helps doctors and medical staff in the:

  • Making better treatment decisions by cross-referencing patients’ cases with a similar disease.
  • Educating themselves by studying the clinical cases of a particular disease.
  • Imaging and Visualization Software

Advanced healthcare technology has made it much easier to accurately visualize internal body damage such as CT scans and MRIs. Healthcare software developers also have successfully designed programs that help to visualize surgical planning and telesurgery.

This imaging and visualization software helps doctors and clinicians to accurately diagnose different body systems consequently in real time.

  • Telehealth Software

Telehealth is the delivery of health and health-related services including medical care, provider and patient education, health information services, and self-care services using telecommunication and digital communication technologies.

There are multiple software to deliver telehealth services and this type of healthcare software has recently become more popular due to the COVID-19 lockdown.For a deeper dive into the tech revolution in healthcare, read our insightful blog: 👉https://invozone.com/blog/11-types-of-healthcare-software-for-hospitals-and-clinics/

